Heaven Awaits – Sarah Begaj tribute to Linda Bennett

Today (22nd March 2020) marks the one year anniversary that a dear lady and friend Linda Bennett went home to be with her Lord and Saviour. A day after her passing I made this short video to a song my own mother Sheila Freemantle wrote , as a memorial of Linda’s life and family. Today is also Mothering Sunday. For many of us because of the Coronavirus, meeting with our mothers may not be possible today. This video is dedicated to Linda’s family who will be mourning her absence yet comforted knowing that she is in glory.

Heaven Awaits ©2017
Written by Sheila Freemantle
Composed/performed by Sarah Begaj

CCLI: 7136530

This is also track no. 12 on my album “My Heart is Steadfast”


Beloved do not weep for me
From flesh that cloaked then choked I’m free
My risen Saviour goes before
The Son of God whom I adore

Beloved do not weep for me
From sin and death I’ve been set free
The gates of heaven are opened wide
For those who in the Saviour hide

Beloved do not weep for me
My spirit lives eternally
And now with angels high above
I’ll bring my song of endless love