Eva’s Song by Candace Malcomson (Baby Dedication, 12.9.21)

This was the last of the songs Candace Malcomson managed to send me herself before she went to glory. While I worked on the music and video I was really impacted by the words of Psalm 8:

“Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants
You have ordained strength,
Because of Your enemies,
That You may silence the enemy and the avenger.”

There is something about a child’s innocence, faith and praise which is a weapon against the enemy. We are living in dark days where our children are so impacted by the agendas of the enemy through the school systems, through the media… How important it is to bring up our children in the fear of the Lord, teaching them His Word. How powerful it is to hear their praise and testimony! Jesus said to let the little children come to Him for theirs is the kingdom of heaven!

During this season we celebrate the incarnation of God, who came to earth as a helpless baby, the Word made flesh and indeed the Saviour of the world.

I hope this song blesses you – the legacy of a woman of God who knew the importance of teaching children the ways of the Lord. Thank you so much Niamh McNamara for allowing me to use the pictures and videos of little Eva and your beautiful family for whom this song was written.
