This is a song I wrote at the beginning of the first lockdown last year and reworked this year. It is based on the 40th chapter of Isaiah. Our God is infinite, all knowing, all seeing, all powerful, yet He knows each one of us. The very breath we breathe is given to us by the Lord. He has given us His Son Jesus that we would not remain in our sins, but be reconciled with Him. I hope this song can be a blessing to you as you think upon the mighty God who made heaven and earth and everything in it. May we offer those sacrifices of praise to Him and take flight with eagle’s wings! With special thanks to my husband Ilir for his ‘handiwork’ and video work whilst I utilised my new green screen! Also to my daughter Kaitlin who unknowingly was filmed on the heights of Butser Hill. And a massive thank you to Ian Barter who added his beautiful flute playing, guitar and bass to this track and mixed it for me. To God be all the glory. I’d love to hear from you, so please let me know your thoughts in the comments. This is song no. 5 on my new album “Let The Spirit And The Bride Say Come”.