Happy New Year friends! I’m glad to start this year on a healthier note than the end of the last one! Sometimes I think God forces us to rest if we are not inclined to do so naturally 😉… After a busy few months working on my album it is now available in most digital stores and physical copies are available on this website. I hope you enjoy these song demos. There are folky/celtic undertones to this album with thanks to the violin and some minor/not very English sounding melodies!
The purpose of my music as given to me by the Lord is “sowing seeds of faith through song”. These songs are my out-workings of God’s in-working of His Word in me. All 70 parts were recorded by me at home (not in a studio) and mixed by a man (Jonathan Middleton) in South Africa! It is truly my prayer that these songs however simply produced would grow faith in the hearer and turn eyes to their Maker. I pray the Lord’s blessing upon you all and thank you for your support. Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel (link) … There are new projects awaiting.. ❤