Published on 14 Apr 2017
Written by Sarah Begaj
Piano, guitar, vocals Sarah Begaj
Drums – Zac Prosser
Footage from Exton and my back garden!
Copyright © 2017 CCLI: 7121938
Find me on Instagram @sarahbegajmusic
We will walk by faith not sight
We will walk in truth and light
We believe in You, believe in You
We will run and not grow weary
We will rise with wings like eagles
As we wait on You, we wait on You
You did not come to be served but to serve
And to give Your life a ransom for many
We will take up our cross and follow You
Give us joy in our hearts to serve You
We will serve with hearts of gladness
Cast aside our fears and sadness
We depend on You, depend on You
We will sing with thanksgiving
Praise the God of the living
We will worship You, worship You
You were mocked, You were beaten, You were bruised, You were stricken
To bring us healing through Your suffering
We will walk, we will run, we will serve, we will sing,
All to the glory of our risen King